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Next round of snow up to 16 inches headed to Aspen; winter storm warning issued for Wednesday

After a three-day break in the snowfall, forecasters have upgraded the next winter storm headed to the Colorado high country with predictions of 8 to 16 inches of snow and wind gusts topping 50 mph, the National Weather Service said Wednesday morning.

A winter storm warning is in effect Wednesday for much of the northern and central Colorado mountains, including the Aspen and Snowmass area, until noon Thursday.

“Snow and strong winds will impact much of northwest Colorado over the next 24 hours,” according to Wednesday morning’s NWS update. “Travel will be hazardous at times due to limited visibility and snow rates impacting road conditions. Significant accumulations are expected over the northern mountain ranges.”

Highs in the Aspen area are forecast in the mid-to-upper 30s with overnight lows in the 20s, according to the weather service.

This round of snow is expected to continue into early Friday, and the next snowfall is expected to start again Saturday into Sunday.

The Colorado Avalanche Information Center said the avalanche danger in the Aspen zone is moderate to considerable for the next two days.

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On today’s episode, we drop in with Snowmass Sun reporter Kaya Williams on a blustery day on Snowmass. The nordic queen then takes us on a lap around the North Star Nature Preserve groomed track.

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This content was originally published here.